Benefits Of Construction Crane Cameras


Benefits of construction crane cameras

Onboard cameras common fixtures in most cars, making parallel parking or easing a car into traffic much easier. However, this technology is often considered an extravagance on construction equipment. Despite the dangers crane operators and workers on the ground are exposed to, knowing that cameras can record and capture incidents doesn’t seem to be compelling enough to make construction crane cameras equally common.

The risks are both physical and fiscal. There is the danger of loss of life that can inevitably, result in irretrievable losses to a construction company’s bottom line. A court of law can consider an otherwise avoidable loss as an irrevocable loss when knowledge of a danger is often proof of liability. Arguments to the contrary can be supported with construction crane cameras that can not only record incidents but be instrumental in preventing them.

The benefits of installing construction crane cameras include, but are not limited to:

  • Lowering the risk of injury or death
  • Preventing expensive damage to equipment and materials
  • Having records of any incidents to effectively take future preventative measures and to address any potential legal issues that may arise from such incidents

With construction crane cameras fitted to their fleets, construction companies could motivate for improved insurance cover, as it clearly shows intent of holding the safety of workers on site, machinery and other risks that could result in costly insurance pay-out, in the highest esteem.

Safety technology like construction crane cameras can result in improved staff morale, knowing their safety is valued. As a result, staff turnover can be minimised, which leads to cost savings, as it can take time for a new construction crane operator – or any staff member for that matter – to get into the routine of the company or project, and as any business person will attest, time is money.

Contact Us

Contact us today for information about our range of construction crane cameras and to discuss how we can assist you to improve your efficiency through the adoption of the best camera systems available in the market today.



Micron Orlaco